I am going to run a sub-5 minute mile, and you’re going to hear all about it!

Chase Stockwell - Personal
38 min readJun 17, 2020


Edit: I am kicking my blog back into gear — and restarting now! Each day, I will update with what my training is looking like.

My goal is to run a sub-five minute mile on Sunday, November 29, 2020. [EDIT: Lmao how that time went by] I plan on having a ton of people come just so I know for sure that I’ll be able to break the mileage.

Things you need to know about me: My PR of the mile is 5:26, my junior year of high school. Currently, I run a 5:58. I would like to run sub-5:30 by the end of September, sub 5:13 by the end of October, and, eventually, run sub 5:00 by the end of November. Ambitious? Most definitely. But I have time.

Here is the schedule. I will do my best to stick to this schedule. First agenda is to find a track in Queen Anne.

Monday: Mile Time Trial. Alternate Day: Friday.

Tuesday: Easy Run

Wednesday: Track Workout.

Thursday: Easy Run

Friday: Threshold Workout

Saturday: Long (Easy) Run

Sunday: The Lord’s Day of Rest

  • Edit* Now updating my blog from most recent to latest because there’s no need to scroll all the way down.

Saturday, January 9 — no long run. Hike, Mt. Si & Tenneriffe Trail

This was like a 10.5 mi hike, so it had the same affect, more or less.

Friday, January 8–1200 time trial

Splits: 73, 81, 83

This is still on time for a 5:16. It’s a little ugly, but its also well timed. I did not go as fast in that first 400, which gave me for energy to go. Looking to solidify this up after the weekend. Little cold, which might’ve affected my running.

Thursday, January 7- easy run ( 4.26 mi)

Splits: 8:06, 7:03, 7:37, 8:03, 13:21 (0.26 mi). 8 Wind Sprints

Wanted to sleep in today, so I did not wake up and do fasted cardio. I had a light breakfast and ran on a hungry stomach, however, so that has to count for something. Despite the bike shorts affecting me on those last few wind sprints, overall I held up okay, and it’s always nice to see a 7 minute mile when done unintentionally. Biggest thing the rest of the day is to get enough rest in time for tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6- 1 800, 6 400s @75 sec pace. Unlimited rest.

Splits: [70, 39, 39], 70, 73, 73, 74, 54 (300/ 72 pace), 75

Overall, I hit every single one. That is huge for my confidence. It makes me feel like yes, I do have the speed to close this out. I had as much as 5.5 minutes rest, and although not ideal, it did help get these times. I found as I went on, I would break form around the 250 mark, with the biggest pain indicators coming from my throat and stomach, due to it being a cold day, and carry some extra pounds of fat. Looking to recover tomorrow, and am confident in my abilities for Friday.

Tuesday, January 5 — Easy Run (3.62 mi)

Splits: 8:04, 8:21, 7:15, 8:07

Fought my alarm a little bit this morning and ended up getting out there a little bit later than I would have liked. Thankfully, today was an easy run, so I was able to do so. Made it back in time for a 7:30 meeting, and while I was tired the rest of the day, I was happy I knocked out the run early.

Monday, January 4 — Easy Run (4.35 mi)

Splits: 7:40, 7:04, 8:49, 7:53, 7:54 (0.35 MI)

Recovery run made easy. Ended the day with 8 hill sprints. Kind of surprised I didn’t run further, but that’s the idea with recovery runs is to just do enough to workout.

Sunday, January 3- Mile Time Trial 1600

Splits: 70, 85 = 2:35

Another 2:35. At this point a 2:35 is automatic. But, I did the first lap incorrectly, as it needs to be a 75 and not a 70, but it’s all gravy. Meeting with a coach this week to give me a workout plan so I can get to the bottom of my training. Should be interesting to see how this develops. I also did abs and arms on this workout. After 1 min rest, I cranked out a 75 and then another 75 after a minute rest. It’s clear that with proper rest, I have the stamina to bang these runs out. Wednesday will be telling whether or not I can hold it.

Thursday, December 31 — Easy run — 5 miles. Did not record time.

6 Hill Sprints

This run was a pretty difficult run for me. Having nothing in your system + little sleep + sore from a workout less than 12 hours previously is a recipe for a hard one. I found myself walking quite often, which is something that I rarely do. However, it was good to crank this out, and be done before 7:30. Hill sprints felt slow, but it’s all about developing a technique for success doing them.

Wednesday, December 30 — Track workout — 8 800s @ 6 min pace

Splits: [75][75], [90, 89], [85, 85]. Did not record rest. 72 sec 400 at the end.

So this one was interesting. Originally, attempting to do an 800 @ 75 second splits for each 400, I got caught up not knowing the time and as a result, slowed down to not complete the 400. But, I found the pace for 90, or should I say, 85 second 400s and hit the last few pretty consistently with about 90 second rest. This was big for my racing confidence to be able to run longer distances without slowing down, and keeping the same pace. Looking to try and get on a 70 second 400 going forward.

Tuesday, December 29- Easy Run (4.01 mi)

Splits: 8:28, 8:35, 8:53, 8:56

Easy run done right this morning before work. Ice was a bit slippery on the ground, so I had to take my time navigating some tricky routes on the run. Looking to do similar activities going forward, felt very good on the run.

Monday, December 28–1 mile time trial

Splits: 75, 80, [43, 43], [37, 37]

I stopped running after 2.25 laps. Unfortunately, I left airpods at home and felt uncomfortable running that last lap. I have to work on mentally callousing my mind to handle the extra running.

Saturday, December 26- 6 mile “long run”

Splits: didnt time, but felt around 8:45–9:16

Took a mental break over the Christmas holidays before snapping back into gear tlfsh

Wednesday, December 23 — Track workout 4x400, 4x400

Splits: [78, 76, 75, 85], [79, 87, 91, 93]

I was gassed through the second half. Pretty proud of the first half, even with that abysmal last 400. The point of this exercise was to learn how to run on tired legs, and at some point, I think I just reached a threshold of maximum tiredness. I could feel when I was slow, and I think that’s pretty indicative of a race. A better fix may be to partition the last 400 into 200’s and get to a point where I can consistently hit those. Went to workout with Joe today and he put me to shame with that last 400, but 72 second 400 is something that I won’t complain about either.

Monday, December 21-1 mile time trial

Splits: 73, 81, 75

So, I am proud of this time. It was sleeting very badly outside, and with the wind as a factor, it was hard to stay focused and run an appropriate time. That being said, I was on pace through 2 laps, which was something that I liked to see, honestly. I took probably a 1 minute break and then ran a 75 somewhat effortlessly which was a nice bonus through the conditions. Overall, a solid use of my time, and the rest of my time was spent trying to find a missing Airpod, which is still attached to my jacket.

Friday, December 17- 800 m Time Trial

300: 46, 100: 17, 200: 33 200: 34

They say 2:15 800 is a pretty good indicator that you have what it takes to run sub 5 minute. Now I’m not saying that I am anywhere close to that, but if today’s workout taught me anything, it’s that with proper rest, I can be. My time today totaled 2:10 and although with three breaks, it turns out that I do in fact have the speed to pull this off. Now, it’s just a matter of the endurance or running to make sure my form does not give out. To do this, I should focus on working core and general fitness. We had a bad diet today, but looking to get into it more tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16 — VO2Max Workout

Splits: [88, 92], [40], [89, 93], [41]

Insane. It was unbelievable just how tight my calves were as I did this workout. I only did two of these iterations, and I’m not sure whether to blame the track or just my legs for being so tired. We’ll find out Friday if I need to start going to Garfield again to get these workouts. I was satisfied with the actual workout though, it was a good one. Like I said though, my calves were absolutely on fire.

Monday, December 14 — Mile Time Trial (6:08)

Splits : 75, 80, 88, [xx, 34]. 2 200s @ 35, 36

So, what has happened for the first time in a long time happened, where I hit the first two splits. This is great! I was pretty cognizant of how I was feeling, and towards the end of the second run, I was pretty blown away at how tired I was. The third lap was not going to be a great look. I am chalking this up to three factors — one, I am still sore from the 13 miler on sunday, two, my diet was pretty bad over the weekend, so that may have added extra weight, three, I did not eat a snack going into timing, so I could have used the extra energy. Ballard’s track works great tho — I will definitely be going there more often!

Saturday, December 12- Long run (~13.15 mi)

Splits: 8:31, 7:50, 7:49, 8:03, 7:42, 8:07, 8:06, 9:36, 10:54, 7:11, 7:48, 7:38, 7:02 (0.15 mi)

Woke up at Whidbey Island ready to run. Would have liked to do 15 miles, but I did not charge my phone enough in time, therefore I was sent scrambling throughout the island trying to get back home, because I had forgotten the direction I was going. Overall, very satisfied with 8’s and with the tempo run for the last 2–3 miles. This is something that I was looking to achieve. This week, we are revamping the training schedule and doing mile time trial’s 2x a week now, hopefully that’ll get us the ability to PR for some amount of time.

Friday, December 11 — aerobic run (5.64 mi)

Splits: 7:08, 7:01, 7:09, 7:27, 7:17, 7:39

Overall, very satisfied with this run. I felt pretty fast, but my shins started acting up. I think its due to my old running shoes and striking the pavement, I’ve had a lot of days of that. But the seven minutes felt almost effortless, I did feel tired, but I noticed that I could hold a conversation pretty well on my run.

Thursday, December 10 — mile time trial (4x400)

Splits: 69, 72, 41 (200), 76, [37, 39] (200)

Dude, I just cannot get that first lap of the mile to get it for me. I’ve never run under 70 seconds for a 400 until today, which is something that I can be proud of and takeaway from all this. A 72 second 400 is nothing to scoff at either, as I think I’m showcasing that I really do have the speed to pull this off. I think my new strategy is to divide the mile into 16 100ms and look at my watch for every single distance because I know I can do it, at this point I’m pretty sure I can run low teens, just a matter of setting myself up the right way.

Wednesday, December 9 — normal run (5.11 mi)

Splits: 7:06, 7:25, 8:12, 8:15, 7:38, 6:54

Felt good to get some exercise after work, just ran around the neighborhood. I realize that my body just does not stay at 7 min mile pace, I find that pace pretty fast to maintain. Legs feel pretty sore, but overall another solid run on the notch. I will look to mile time tomorrow, hopefully.

Tuesday, December 8 — aerobic morning cardio (4.91 mi)

Splits: 7:35, 7:56, 8:05, 7:39, 7:55

Day three of morning fasted cardio was a success. It was pretty easy to get up and go run, and not being able to time on Monday definitely played a factor in how I was feeling. I also got 8 wind sprints in before 8 am, which was very crucial and I felt good about my speed. Looking to clean up the diet and to find a way to go time for a mile this week.

Saturday, December 5 — long aerobic recovery run (4.26 mi)

Splits: 9:41, 9:43, 10:18, 13:14, 9:26 (0.26 mi)

Another solid run in Lincoln Park, West Seattle with good high school friends. Felt fast, a much needed break in the day from studying all day long. It was a good time, felt good about getting some rest for tomorrow and then mile timing on Monday.

Friday, December 4 — tempo run (5.82 mi)

Splits: 6:43, 6:55, 7:07, 7:29, 7:24, 7:34

A faster start to a gradual slow down. This is my first self-started tempo run, and I held pace for around a 5k, which was the intention. Running on tired legs isn’t always a fun time, but I also didn’t find this to be particularly challenging. Perhaps I need to aim for all sub 7 minute for a longer span of time, and maybe go faster. But for the time being, this run did everything that it needed to do to be honest.

Thursday, December 3 — easy aerobic run (4.53 mi)

Splits: 7:57, 7:54, 8:25, 7:44, 7:48 (0.53 mi)

Day 2 of morning fasted cardio. Man do I feel slow running it, but I’m not going to knock it until a few weeks go by with it. CLA supplement tastes absolutely terrible and it lingers in your mouth. So now I’ll have to get used to chewing gum on these runs smh.

Wednesday, December 2 — Track Workout — 8 x 400 m

Splits: 77, xx, 75, 76 (2 200s) 5 min break. 76, 80, 84, xx. 77 sec sprint.

I have to stop deleting splits when I run. First time in a while where my sprint felt very slow, but I felt like I was running controlled the entire time, which was a really cool feeling. The biggest pain for me was in my quads and in my abs. Developing my core even further will help get faster/used to this time, and as for my quads, well, they just need a better aerobic VO2max strength. It appears my speed is good, but my mental willpower and endurance on that third and fourth lap are what needs the work.

Tuesday, December 1 — easy aerobic run (3.75 mi)

Splits: 8:14, 8:07, 8:20, 8:43

First day of fasted cardio aerobic runs. After not setting an alarm, and naturally waking up to the sound of me being late for my run, I got up and trotted around Queen Anne for a little bit. For running the mile yesterday and not rolling, I really did feel pretty good. This evening, I will be hitting weights, so we will investigate whether or not this working out twice a day mantra is sustainable.

Monday, November 30 — one mile time (5:29)

Splits: 79, 79, 83, 88

So, we still do not know how to run the first lap. Excellent. Very cool. Somewhat telling that my 2nd and 3rd lap stayed the same even though my first lap was 5 seconds slower than previous. This suggests that I sort of get into a groove when I run those 2nd and 3rd laps and remain rather uncooperative in adjusting my pace. For the speed that I am at now, this is not necessarily bad, I need to just be sure that I tighten up the third lap.

My form felt good throughout the entire run. Although I felt slow at the end, I did not feel like I broke form at all to maintain my speed. Takeaway is that I knew I wasn’t going to make the Luke Combs break but did nothing about it. That 75/76 start is crucial for a PR. Second takeaway is that 3rd lap needs to be fast. I need to feel the burners coming in, so when that fourth lap comes, I just have no choice but to let it all out. I did like my second lap in this race though, it felt fast.

Think about it like this: 1st lap (moderately easy), 2nd lap (competitive), 3rd lap (fast & hard), 4th lap (all out sprint).

Saturday, November 28 — Long run (5 miles) + 5k tempo run.

Splits: 7:03, 7:32, 7:02

Yesterday was a double header, with a longer run in the morning with Jonathan and Isak, and then a faster 5k warmup before weightlifting. Running low sevens for a few miles is pretty difficult to do, but nonetheless I felt good, so getting to that pace was pretty natural. I didn’t record the mileage for the long run, but it was probably in the nine minute per mile range, so it was nice to slow it down a little bit.

Friday, November 27 — One mile time trial

Splits: 71, 83, 114, 108

After a long hiatus quarantining due to a covid scare (what else is new, 2020?), we went back to the track on a gorgeous Friday morning to go time.

If the race was 400m long, I would have crushed it. Unfortunately, it is not, and I found myself and my legs growing quickly tired, so I had a terrible race and took a few breaks. Definitely not great for the run, but I had taken 6 days off running, eaten a thanksgiving meal, and overall wasn’t feeling it. Still important to show up every day and give it your all, and don’t let the bad days get to ya.

Saturday, November 21 -Mt. Si Hike

No long run today, but it was replaced with a good 7–8 mile hike or so. Still felt the same on my calves, don’t worry about it.

Friday, November 20— VO2 Max Workout — 6 800s @ 2 mile pace

Splits: [79, 84], [84, 87], [85, 95], [88, 99], [93, 93], [98, 86] 400: 70

So, all but one split was the correct fashion. My calves tightened up big time and I think that made me a little unconfident and uncomfortable with my strides. I am well aware that my slow twitch muscles need development, as this is the first workout that I have done where I’ve used a VO2 max workout. I was exhausted at the end, so I’m giving myself an A for effort. I was proud of my 70 second 400 at the end, but next time I want to run it with no rest, to simulate that final lap during the mile. Overall, I think I need to learn how to run even splits (as some 400s have a difference of 10 or 11 seconds) for these 400s, but I think with a minute and a half rest, I should be proud.

Wednesday, November 18–4.20 mile aerobic recovery run.

Splits: 8:01, 7:39, 8:06, 7:11, 9:39 (0.2 mi)

Went on a quick run after work with Diego. I felt very fast and wanted to push my speed a little bit, resulting in some low 7:20s or so (his watch was a little more accurate because we took breaks while I kept mine going. At the end of the run, I felt gassed but proud I had pushed myself that hard.

Tuesday, November 17 — one mile time trial

Splits: 74, 79, 81 = 3:55

So, it was terrible weather outside. Raining, cold, windy, the whole nine yards. But you know what, I’m proud of myself. For a little bit, and then I walked to my car and thought, damn, I should’ve finished the run. I was running at 5:14 pace, which would have been a very solid 5 second PR. But, I knew I ran the third lap fast in an attempt to be complete with it, and then, I need to do the last lap kicking in the afterburners. Now, I have the confidence to know that I am improving, and I will look for a PR in this event sometime around next week.

Monday, November 15- Warm-up jog + lift

Splits: none recorded

For this, I just jogged one mile with a steady incline to have myself break a sweat before I proceeded with the rest of the workout. Unfortunately, the gyms in Seattle are closing, so my run to the gym formula is now broken. We will have to adapt, and this will likely lead to more miles on the ground. Yay.

Saturday, November 13 — filming, and some warm up jogging

Splits: 6:45, 7:15, 15:30 (left it going)

This was just to crank some miles out because my phone died and I was still at the track. It was fun, I felt pretty fast running those splits, but also felt very relaxed as well. Should see how it all goes down on Tuesday, when I do my time.

Friday, November 13- Normal run (7 miles)

Splits: xx, xx, xx, 7:47, 7:19, 7:32, 7:58

Just one of those runs when you feel good, you let it rip. Definitely did not start timing (I think I paused the app actually) until I got to the halfway point. A little dissappointing, for sure, but the weather was absolutely fantastic! I could’ve gone for so much longer, but alas, had to get back to work.

Thursday, November 12–Easy, aerobic run and lift (4.3 mi)

Splits: 8:40, 10:42, 7:51, 9:14

Easy money aerobic run to the gym and back. Felt good, and took my time as I was going along. Nice to have a rest day for sure.

Wednesday, November 11-track workout (1200, 400, 600, 500)

Splits: [71, xx, xx], 79, 2:07, 1:31

This workout was all over the place. To begin, I started out too fast again, and instead of running a 73 second 400, I shaved two seconds off. I am getting faster, that is no lie. However, it is at the cost of not knowing how to pace myself. I went from too fast, to slow, to fast again. I stopped after the first 400 because I knew there would be no way that I would be able to get the time I wanted with the energy I exerted. I had the thought today to eat a bar before I go just to provide some extra energy, and use the music to sync up where I want my splits to be at. I think that’s a good idea moving forward and will definitely help me with the pacing. The 600 was bad, my calves were gassed at the end. However, the 500 was a new one for me, and even finishing 1 second faster than what I was shooting for was a pretty cool feeling. Hopefully, we can now stretch that out to a 600, and I will have a 600 75 second pace under my belt!

Monday, November 9- one mile time trial (DNF)

Splits: 82, 81, 82, stopped

So this run was a tough one for me. I really felt fast, and after having that 73 second first 400 on Friday, I was so scared that I was going to go out that fast again. So, in an effort to run conservatively, I went out extremely slow. So, I did not have the best grasp on the first run, went about the same in the second, and by the time I saw 4:05 when I crossed the line at the end of the 1200, I came to a screeching halt. I think of it like speedrunning a video game, I didn’t run to not run a PR, so I might as well give it up when I’ve lost the chance. You know, I gotta tell ya, I really felt fast. It was absolutely freezing and raining sideways, so that may have had a factor in my speed, but I just felt a lot faster than 82’s. I also noticed that I didn’t really feel that winded after the 1200, which may be telling on an effort level. I wanted to do it again after because I felt like I still had gas in the tank, but no matter. I take solace in the fact that I do have intervals on Wednesday, and I get another shot to get that 3:57. That’s all I want, and I know I can do it, and want to break it so badly, just so I can give myself the confidence, you know? So, until then, we’ll just have to wait.

Saturday, November 7- long run (9.24 mi)

Splits: 8:45, 9:46, 8:57, 8:36, 8:56, 8:55, 8:38, 9:00, 9:27, 9:49 (0.24 mi)

Quality long run with Jonathan. Super satisfied with sub nine splits, especially after during the track workout yesterday. A little sore but I’m making sure to take Sunday off in time for the Monday mile time trial. That Lower Woodland course will be hard to do my mile times on, but at the same time, I feel confident that I can run through with some sort of determination. I feel faster, bigger, and more athletic. And I’m proud of that. I need to start filming some scenes for the promo, but we’ll get around to that.

Friday, November 6- track workout (800, 400x5, 300)

Splits: [73, 81], 78, 76, 79, 76, 76, 55(73 est.)

So, I learned in this run that going out in a 73 second 400 for a race where I need to average 79 splits was a dumb idea, and I couldn’t even keep pace for an additional lap. I’ll need to watch that come race day for sure. Otherwise, I gave myself ample rest in between each 400, so although it was expected that I were to finish each 400, running consistent 76’s, especially towards the end, is very encouraging. Running that 55 sec 300 at the end was good work, should have finished it out though.

Thursday, November 5- Aerobic Recovery Run (5.19 mi)

Splits: 10:37, 8:31, 8:22, 7:32, 9:09, 9:31

I’ve got to get used to these late night runs. Running in the dark is something that I’m somewhat comfortable with. But got a headlamp just in case, and I need to make a note to get the batteries to plug into the headlamp. I also finally found a lot that was abandoned to do my 6 sprints. The surface is uneven and wet, but its well lit, which is something that I wanted to do for these sprints. For now, this will do. Track workout tomorrow where we are going to run that 3:57 1200.

Tuesday, November 3- Aerobic Recovery Run. (3.05 mi)

Splits: 7:54, 8:29, 8:35, 10:26 (0.05 mi)

Easy money run. All I did was run, lift, run back. Had to remind myself that I need to go slower on my aerobic days. But it is what it is at this point. Took Wednesday off due to misplaced running shoes, so we will plan our interval workout for Friday.

August 25: Mile Time Trial — 5:58

Splits: 1:26, 2:53, xx, 5:58. Slow start (48 sec 200), but compensated with a 37 second 200 to get 400 under 1:30. Which is sub-5 minute pace.

Ended session with a 75 second 400 (on the dot!). To be that tired and still rattle off a sub-5 400 is super encouraging.

Now that sub-6 is accomplished, next goal is 5:45.

Here’s what I should be looking at for this week.

August 26: Easy Recovery Run- 7.04 mi

Splits: 9:07, 8:17, 8:39, 9:48, 10:16, 9:10.

Very sore running, running did not feel necessarily easy. Important to get mileage up, however. Run was not easy, somewhat sore, but taking my time and not necessarily shooting for a pace helped. Muscles are tight, flexibility range right now is pretty limited.

August 27: VO2Max Workout — 200m — Target Pace: 46 sec.

Times: :44, :45, :39, :43, :44, :44, :43, 1:22 (400m), 1:14 (400m)

Workout felt relatively easy. Gradual sort of tired as I continued to do the workout. Wanted to do a sub-5 minute 600m at the end, but didn’t have the stamina so kept at 400. Hit goal time, however. Splits were all faster than 46 seconds which suggests to me that I may be able to get under this time provided the right mindset. Also, attach spikes to my shoes which may explain how I was running faster.

August 28: Easy Run Recovery — 5.70 mi

Splits: 9:00, 9:24, 10:38, 9:24, 9:12, 9:45 (0.7 mi)

Lol at the 10:38 in the middle of the run. Just further proving that if I do not wish to run at a certain pace, I will not. I don’t really know what to think about this, seeing that this IS a recovery run but at the same time you want to train your aerobic base. I’ll probably do some more Googling to figure it out. Will not run, in anticipation for Half Ironman on Saturday, where I’ll be running 13.1 miles (spicy!).

Edit: I did not complete the running portion (I think I could have done it, but I digress).

August 31: Mile Time Trial — 5:48 10 second PR

Splits: 80, 88, ~90, ~90.

So I don’t know what to make of this run. I am happy with the 10 second PR, but this run was ran horribly. My lungs in particular felt very condensed, and i felt like my second lap in particular sucked. I even let out an audible cry around the fourth lap that got a couple to turn around. Also did a 76 second 400m afterward, which was good. However, I need to get these either to 74 second or push to do a 500m run. Next goal is a 5:40. Starting September with a 5:48 is great, and I’m reassured that I still have a lot to improve naturally.

New paces for this week.

September 1st — Easy Recovery Run — 5.88 miles

Splits: 7:19, 7:08, 8:00, 9:01, 8:44, 8:43 (0.88 mi)

Overall, felt very strong running. Made it about 2.7 miles feeling good before realizing that I was running too fast. I mean, a casual 7:08, c’mon now. Solid outing in the middle of the day. Looking back, should have recovered a little bit more because woke up this morning somewhat sore. Important to figure out stretching routine soon.

September 2nd — “VO2 Max” workout — 8 400s.

For this workout, I ran 8 400s at goal mile pace, with a 400m recovery rest in between. Overall, fairly difficult workout, and my times for this workout were faster than what I had anticipated running. My goal time was 85 seconds en route to running a 5:40. However, my splits broke up in this way:

89.4, 83.3, 83.8, 80.4, 83.7, 82.6, ~84ish, 83.8

So, looking all these data points, it’s pretty clear that I did not do the workout right. All of my times with the exception of the first were a good second or two under the threshold. Pro tip: deep breathing before this workout adds to a humongous difference. I felt like my lungs were a lot bigger, and could handle more air. Takeaway: disable as many watch notifications as humanly possible, because I cannot stand when the notifications block my timer.

But overall, if the point of this workout was to figure out how to run evenly, it was well accomplished. I mean, I am very proud of these 83 second splits. Almost makes me want to adjust my goal from a 5:40 to a 5:32 based off of these times. But oh well, race day Monday will tell.

September 4 — Aerobic Run — 5.57 mi.

Splits: 8:17, 7:47, 8:02, 8:05, 8:24, 8:26, 11:01

Also did 7 hill sprints @ 15 seconds. Running up the hill, I take a heavy break for better or worse. This is around what I’m trying to run, so I’m happy with this run. Good to get out and start running.

September 5- Long Aerobic Run- 10.88 Mi.

Splits: 7:56, 7:44, 7:35, 7:36, 7:20, 7:32, 7:36, 7:24, 8:20, 8:37, 9:24

Felt great on the run today. Love the flat area where I felt like I was going fast. I have a 7:20 mile 5 and a 7:24 mile 8 which is crazy fast and I’m proud of. Coming up the hill back to the house is nothing surprising running 9:24. The days of Bellevue running are over, onto some new routes in Queen Anne!

September 8- Mile Time Trial — 5:38–10 second PR

Splits: 80, 83, 87, 88

After a longer extended break than normal (housewarming party plus beer mile {13 second PR}) we are back on track for mile training. Woke up at 6 am to go to Lake Washington’s track to run, and cranked out another 10 second PR, albeit a little disappointed that it was not closer to the 5:32 range like the VO2Max workout suggested. Splits were bad, but better than the previous run. Was conscious not to go too hard in first 400m, yet still ran 3–5 seconds faster than what I should have. I think a reasonable goal for next week is sub 5:30, having Diego come to pace me and running evenly will get me there. Just need to work on having that extra push at the end to truly run on the afterburners. Going to start tracking foods that I eat too, as I think that’ll help because I am carrying a lot of ‘dead weight’ right now.

Update on new times I should be eyeying for sub-5:30.

September 9- Aerobic Run + Hill Sprints — ~7 miles @ 8:06 pace

Mile Splits: 8:08, 8:19, 7:41, 8:05, 7:53, 7:58, 10:30

So hovering right around that 8 minute mile mark, which is a solid place to be at for an aerobic run. I also did 6 16-second hill sprints which actually hurt a lot, but that’s okay because I’m proud that I got them in. I did not feel very fast today, whether it’s the smoke or waking up early or whatever I’m not really sure, but just something to monitor.

September 10- Track Workout — 6 600s @ 5:29 pace

Splits: 2:07, 1:59, 1:20 (400m), 2:09, 2:11, 2:07, 1:16 (400m)

Over/Under: +4, -3, -2, +6, +8, +4

Ah yes, the wall in running that it appears I have hit. It appears that I need to adjust my training schedule, because this was a bad workout. I only got under the time once, and even then, this time was not close so I did not run it right. Weird from running consistent 83’s last week to this. Keeping my head up high though, because runners have bad workouts all the time. I’m going to chalk it up to the following:

  • Early morning workout with nothing in my system.
  • Adjustment: Either buy some bars to eat beforehand or work out later in the day
  • Did hill sprints yesterday/running on tired legs.
  • Adjustment: Move hill sprints to days after workout. Probably more important anyways.
  • Smoke in the air from Eastern WA wildfires. Hard to breathe
  • Adjustment: Wait for smoke to pass over and see if this has an affect in the slightest.

Friday, September 11–4.43 mi run @ 9:38 pace

Split: 9:22, 10:05, 10:49, 8:31, 8:56

Today’s run was extremely slow, but overall, that should be seen as okay. It’s okay to take it easy on recovery days. That’s what recovery is for. My legs felt pretty bad, and I am worried that they may succumb to overtraining. I will be sure to stretch during most of the day, and will roll out. Smoke isn’t too great for running either in all honesty.

Monday, September 21–5:31–7 second PR

What a time to be back! After having some rough runs, and dealing with this eastern washington smoke, making it impossible to run, and having a 24 hour existential crisis about momentarily switching to bulking, I go out and run a 7 second PR. Hell. Yes. That was awesome. Oh and even better, I haven’t even mentioned the splits yet.

Splits: 82, 84, 84, 81.

Look at that. 81 final second lap, compared to a final lap last week of 88. Going slower in the first lap truly makes all the difference. I didn’t even do the deep breathing exercises. But this was a well run race. Still giving myself until the end of Sept to break 5:30, so I’ll have one more opportunity to break it on the 31st. But very positive stuff so far. Very excited.

Tuesday, Sept 22nd – easy cool down run

Started weightlifting today in an effort to begin cutting and building up upper body muscle. So I ran to the gym and back. The route is not pleasant at all, but it was around 3 miles at around 10 min pace. Which is okay for recovery. Interesting to see how the rest of the day goes. Will look to increase this mileage, and maybe build a more elaborate route to the gym.

Wednesday, Sept 23rd — track workout 6 x 600s @ goal mile pace.

Times: 1:56, 2:05, 2:12, 2:11, 2:09, 2:03, 1:18 (400m)

Over/Under: -7, +2, +9, +8, +6, 0, +3

So we have to have met our match. This time we did not do hill sprints, nor did we run in the morning with nothing in our stomach. On the contrary, we ate dinner before running, and it was pouring rain the entire time. Still is not the reason that I was slow, but just thought I would add those excuses in, ya know, just because. Man, those middle workouts were SLOW dang. I am however proud of that 2:03 that I ended on. Goes to show that I can do it, I just need to push my body to its limits. And the 78 second mile cracked me up, because I felt fast doing it, but I think it shows that my body was tired, and so I could not finish it up. Hopefully, meetup Seattle will start showing up, and I can pace off of the runners. That would be nice for a change.

Thursday, Sept 24th- no run. *GASP*. Did workout though.

Friday, Sept 25th-Easy run (5.72 mile) + 1 hill sprint.

Splits: 8:30, 7:28, 7:51, 7:37, 8:03, 8:58 (.72 mi.)

Overall, felt good to do a normal run. Feels like I haven’t done one in a while. It was at 7 am in the pouring rain, but proud of myself for mustering the chutzpah to get up and go. Should have done more than one hill sprint but it was 8 o’clock and I was looking for some breakfast.

Saturday, Sept 26th- Long run (9.49 mi) @ 8:34 pace

Splits: 8:09, 9:51, 9:03, 8:45, 8:04, 8:23, 8:05, 8:08, 8:42, 9:38 (0.49)

Had a great run with my good friend Jonathan. I felt great on my run today, and these splits are within lines of what I should be running at this time. Overall, the 9:51 was doing the second lap of Lower Woodland, which is NOTORIOUSLY hilly. So can’t be too upset there. Burnt 1200 calories, which meant my peanut butter cheesecake was well enjoyed. Keep up the habit of long runs. Sunday will be a rest, and we will re-time the mile for Monday’s session. Excited to see what I can pull off with some proper rest!

Thursday, October 1st-Morning Run (5.25 mi) @ 8:15 pace

Splits: 8:23, 7:52, 8:06, 8:07, 8:34, 9:28 (0.25 mi)

Had a great morning run with housemate Diego. Overall, felt great on the run. Need to start watching diet if I want to be serious about breaking 5; after a solid week last week, I took this week off to focus on some big-time school deadlines. Need to be smarter about planning those out.

Friday, October 2nd- Short run, Weightlifting 3.13 mi @ 7:50 pace

Splits: 7:46, 7:39, 7:51, 9:42

Felt pretty fast overall. Still looking to do some threshold timing, that would be pretty nice to get my splits on that front. I think I could run 7 min mile pace, but I wonder how sore it would make me.

Saturday, October 3rd- Long run (8.32 mi) @ 9:05 pace

Splits: 8:55, 8:19, 9:16, 9:16, 9:14, 8:57, 10:02. 8:38, 9:22 (0.32 mi)

Man were we slow today. But good to get out there early in the morning and crank out the run. That was pretty big, and definitely no guarantee that it was going to happen. So I can be proud of that I guess. Felt pretty good overall, there was some neck stiffness though so I’ll have to be on the lookout for that. Now, we take a break until Monday, where we go and time.

Monday, October 5th- MILE TIME TRIAL — 5:25 (6 second PR!)

Splits: 78, 83, 85, 78 + change.

Oh happy days oh happy days. Look at that action. I conquered not only 5:30, but my 5:28 high school PR AND the PR that I actually told everyone that I had, 5:26. We were flying today — finally got that last spike in. That’s the thing, there is totally more in the tank where that came from. I ran this very unevenly, with the second and third laps requiring little effort to do, which led to a very fast last lap. But, cmon man, there is room to run these better, which encourages me because I would say right now 5:15 really isn’t that far off if I really push myself. All about running somewhat uncomfortable, I think I ran conservatively to stay on track. Now, we will start prepping for 80’s. This is where the fun begins.

Tuesday, October 6th-Aerobic Recovery Run & Weightlifting- 5.6 mi run

Splits: 9:30, 7:31, 7:29, 9:25, 8:05, 8:08

Pretty comfortable running. At this point, I have a pretty good inclination whenever I run at a 7:30 pace vs. an 8:00 pace. I felt pretty fast overall, which is a nice feeling. Wondering if the move is to go fast on these workout days, because you want to make sure that you are doing the right thing in accordance to your workout.

Wednesday, October 8th- VO2 max workouts — 8 400s @ 80 seconds

Splits: 76, 80, 79, 78, 81, 79, 77, 82

I have met my match with these workouts. This was hard (the last 200m of my final lap I felt the gastric acid literally go through my legs. But, the good news is that I figured out how to pace myself on these 400s, which is the entire goal of the thing. The 77s penultimate lap showed that I am able to run on tired legs to break this, and even the last lap showed what happens what being a tired runner looks like. Averaged about 2.5 minutes of rest, in between the two mile-splits, we had a 8:25 break. And I don’t know what to think about that, because on the one hand, I was able to hit my splits for the most part. Maybe limiting the rest is the next move going forward. But, at the same time, this gave me the confidence to know that I can run sub 80s.

Thursday — Basketball + Worked Out. No run.

Monday, October 12–1 mile time trial — 5:37

Splits: 76, 80, 87, 93.

This did not have a chance. It was rather poorly run, and I just felt out of shape running. I can’t really explain it other than. I noticed that I just felt like I was breaking my running form, with my stomach out and my limbs flailing instead of their natural, disciplined selves. I felt good the first and second 400s, but kind of knew that the feeling was not going to last. I think this has something to do with my diet. Here’s the part where I can figure out how serious I am in breaking this five minute mile — if I truly want to succeed, then I must start to make some sacrifices. Sacrificing sweets, snacks, bread, and alcohol is probably the first to go. It really should not be too difficult, although I indulge in a fair amount of these things. But, we’re keeping our head held high, and looking to see some improvement for next week’s race!

Tuesday, October 13-Aerobic run — 4.22 mi

Splits: 7:32, 7:29, 7:32, 7:39, 8:24 (0.22 mi)

Well, here is me doing the equivalent of Kevin Bacon’s dancing rage fit in Footloose, only on the track. I felt good today, felt pretty fast. Which is the antithesis of easy, aerobic days, but hey, gotta let it rip sometimes. Looking forward to tomorrow’s track workout — 800s at 80 pace. Should be a doozy.

Wednesday, October 14- Track Workout — 6 400s @ sub 5:20 pace

Splits: 78, 76, 78, 41+39, 80, 90. 200 splits: (35, 37)

Over/Under: -2, -4, -2, 0, 0, +10; -2, 0

I am beat from this workout. Overall, I’m pretty impressed with my times. It will be absolutely exhausting to PR next, but I think I’ll be okay. Run til your toast, right? And by the 6th 400, I was toast, I could not finish that last 200. Which shows me exactly where I’m at. I did a minute rest up until the close of the fourth 200m lap. And I was gassed after that, the 80 was reassuring to running on tired legs, but the 90 second lap absolutely decimated me. Feeling hopeful for Monday, because I feel that my body may not last long, but may last just long enough to crank out that fourth lap, provided I ensure I have the proper stamina.

Thursday, October 15- Aerobic Run + Workout (4.62 mi)

Splits: 8:35, 8:13, 8:39, 9:31, 7:59

noticeably easier run than my original aerobic run this week in preparation for tomorrow’s tempo run splits. Which is all good, just occurred to me that I totally forgot to do hill sprints. Oh well, maybe I can get them tomorrow. Wouldn’t be that bad of an idea to attach them to the end of the tempo workout. We’ll have to see how that goes though.

Friday, October 16- (Moderately) Aerobic Run + Hill Sprints (5.05 mi)

Splits: 7:40, 7:10, 7:04, 7:16, 9:08, 6:50. + 6 12-second hill sprints

I didn’t really know what to think about this run coming in, or what I wanted to do. I didn’t really know if I wanted to treat it as a workout or not. I think I ended somewhere in between, and doding a couple miles at 7 minute pace was a solid compromise. Just proud I hit this day, in all honesty. Hill sprints felt good, I felt pretty fast. A little bit nervous for long run tomorrow, because I have sore legs tonight, but am confident that if I were to get a good night’s rest, I’ll be able to rip it tomorrow.

Saturday, October 17 — Long Run (7.35 mi) — @9:49 pace

Splits: 9:39, 9:15, 10:01, 9:40, 10:15, 9:26, 10:06, 11:21

Say what you want about this run, but I felt good. It felt good doing a harder run yesterday, and then paired with a longer run like this. Jonathan and I liked this pace, so I think this what we’ll choose going forward. Mercer Slough is tricky because we had to essentially ‘build’ our 7.4 mile route so there was a lot of sudden turns and wandering around..looking to do this sometime at a course that does not require this to happen and we can naturally go on a 9–10 mile run. 7.35 mileage is a little short for me, but I was still able to get my workout in too, which is nice. Now, we will rest tomorrow and see what I’m made of on Monday/ Race Day!

Tuesday, October 20- Mile Time Trial — 5:30

Splits: 76, 82, 95, 77

Literally what. What on earth was this race. Due to me not timing the laps of the mile, I am unable to see exactly what I ran. That will not happen again. I don’t know how you have a difference of 20 seconds over the last two laps. I almost don’t believe it. But I guess it is what it is. Now I know. Honestly I felt pretty good about the first lap and despite the fact my second lap was rather slow, I am okay with it. I know my diet wasn’t the best in the days leading up to the race, so that may have a factor in it, but again, I really don’t have an answer. Pretty discouraging in all honesty, but we’ll have a good week of training this week and with the help of Diego pacing me next week, hopefully will be enough to PR. Also ran 2 200s and a 300 @sub 5 mile pace which was a nice way to end my race day.

Wednesday, October 21- Aerobic Recovery Run. (3.15 mi)

Splits: 10:58, 9:58, 10:02

But I ran on an incline. So, factor in whatever you want for that. Key takeaway: running on a treadmill is absolutely terrible. I’d rather run to the gym and run back rather than drive there and back. Even with music, I couldn’t do running for that long of time. So it was a nice recovery. I got to do some lifting too which was pretty nice, I felt pretty good about that.

Thursday, October 22- Track Workout — 1200 m, 4 400m.

Splits: [78, 81, 81], 76, 77, 77, 79ish(untimed)

So we went into today’s workout focused on one thing and one thing only — hitting the 1200m so that we are on pace for a 5:20 mile. And we did it, just barely with a 4 minute 1200m. I did it, I was pretty gassed at the end, because ramping it up in the third lap meant that I sprinted the last bit to maintain that time. It was hard, no way around it. It was hard to keep that pace going, because that pace is really fast. But, I did it. I feel confident going into next week’s race that I can get my time underneath it. I just have to be comfortable running on tired legs, and that is what it is. I kind of like this strategy in all honesty, because it shows just how to build up my strength to get where I want to go if I push myself. The 400s went well, although I think I gave myself a little bit too much time to rest doing them. They felt hard, and I learned that if I softened my gaze and looked up while I was running, it is a good way to maintain my speed. I also learned that I will never lose a race with 100m to go. So the key is that I have to hit the 200m mark with my foot on the gas a little bit, because that will carry me through the 3rd 100m and into the 4th, where I will accelerate almost naturally.

Friday, October 23 — Aerobic Run -+ Weightlifting

Splits: 7:30, 7:40, 7:15, 7:39, 9:25 (4.87 mi)

On some days, you just feel fast, ya know? And so I let this day rip. Liked my splits a lot, especially because I was also doing some weightlifting today, and that was important for me to get done. Running in the cold plus wind plus rain sucks though, and I was greeted with a not so fortunate run over the Ballard bridge, where I was sprayed full on with countless busses, cars, and just the wind in general. Need to invest (really just find) running gloves because having those will change everything.

Saturday, October 24 — Long run (12.17 mi)

Splits: 8:26, 8:36, 8:28, 9:59, 7:59, 7:54, 9:06, 8:51, 9:47, 8:52, 8:46, 9:11

This was a surprisingly good workout. Part of doing a long run is just being patient and letting the mileage pan out for itself. I thought we were doing about 3 miles less than what we were doing, yet when you kind of just know you’re going for it, you just say “it is what is is.” My body is chafed all over, but I am happy. I wanted to do this distance with Jonathan, who felt really good and was running at a top pace. I didn’t really feel like I was ready to be done until the very end. So that’s a pretty good indicator. Tomorrow I will access my legs to see if they’re in a good enough feeling to do the hike, (although I should; it’s pretty short). In preparation for a big mile day Monday.

Monday, October 26- One mile time trial — 5:25

Splits: 83, 80, 82, 79

Even splits. 5:25 is coming down soon enough, I just know it. Started out a little slow, but my last two laps I ran pretty quickly. I am confident that this time is coming down soon enough, you just got to be patient with watching it fall. My takeaway is to increase your speed whenever you feel like you’re going to slow down, because those last two laps, you feel like you’re slowing down when you’re really not. I know I can run the splits that I want to in this race. Just got to have another productive week to do so.

Tuesday, October 27-Aerobic Run — 3.44 miles

Splits: 8:24, 9:07, 8:23, 10:48

Solid aerobic run. Solid workout. Nothing more to report. Should have gone to workout earlier in the day but what are you going to do. Not much.

Wednesday, October 28- Easy run + Intervals — 2.66 mi

So, I was feeling extremely tight in my leg muscles yesterday. I’m not sure why because it’s not like I pushed myself very far yesterday. It was weird. Maybe the unfamiliarity of running on an unofficial track (ran at Seattle Prep’s Montlake Field) is what spooked me. I ran a 10 minute warmup, did some warmup stretches and ran a 75 and 74 second with about four minutes of rest of between. Overall, I decided to pack it up for the day and instead do my intervals on Friday. That way I could enjoy it and get some much needed rest and recovery, I figure. But we’ll see.

Thursday, October 29- Aerobic Run + Weightlifting (6.6 mi run)

Splits: 8:07, 7:48, 7:56, 7:42, 8:24, 8:15, 8:36 (0.6 mi)

There it is. After yesterday feeling off, I woke up this morning not feeling much better. I was wary in the soreness of my legs and wondered how this week would legitimately go if I couldn’t get on top of things. Safe to say that overall, things went well. I hobbled over to the gym feeling pretty slow and miserable, but I’ll tell ya what the second I started to get my lift in and run back, I was feeling myself, big time. Encouraging news to have going into interval training tomorrow, after a good night’s sleep and some protein, I’m feeling refreshed. Funny looking at these times that suggest I ran slower towards the end, but in terms of feeling, it couldn’t have been more different.

Friday, October 30-Track Workout (1 800, 2 400s, 2 300s)

Splits: [79, 79] 79, 78, xx, 59

So I found my calves on this workout to be unbelievably tight. I was supposed to do an extra 800, but with my calves acting up, I figured it was more important to do a “good rep” then not a good one. Maybe I’ll need to adjust that strategy going forward, but it’s all about prolonging my health on the track. Good news is that I hit all of the splits that I wanted to, which I was happy about. Taking it easy this weekend to try for sub 5:25 on Monday, which I think is a smart move. Plan is to make sure to run a sub 4 minute 1200 and then let it all out for that last 400 and see what happens. Feeling pretty good about that strategy, we’ll just have to see how it goes!

Monday, November 2- Mile time trial — 5 second PR — 5:19.9

Splits: 76, 80.5, 83.5, 79. 71 sec 400.

So pumped. A long time coming. The time was technically a 5:20, but cmon I had to give it to myself after a month of this straight time. I was super happy, and I think expressed myself very audibly for all to hear as I was finishing the mile. Whoops. I don’t know how to run normally without making noise, and I don’t plan on changing it. Splits were not great, especially because I felt like I was going hard on that third lap. Just goes to show you gotta push it big time on that third lap, and then if you let it all out on that fourth lap, you will run about the splits you were going for. Also ran a 71 second 400 which is a new personal best. Thank you, spikes.



Chase Stockwell - Personal
Chase Stockwell - Personal

Written by Chase Stockwell - Personal

Writing into a void to save you the trouble.

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